The Society for Urban Ecology (SURE)

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SURE Summer School 21 to 26 August 2017 in Bucharest (Romania)

Urban Climate Change Challenge: Monitoring, Assessment & Adaptation Venue: Bucharest, Romania – University of Bucharest Organizers: Research Institute of University of Bucharest (ICUB), Urban Climate Research Center at Arizona State University (ASU), Urban Water Innovation Network (ASU-CSU), Society for Urban[...]

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Workshop of SURE South-East Europe Chapter 25 May 2018 in Bucharest, Romania

Nature-Based Solutions for sustainable Romanian cities Venue: University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geography, Bucharest, Romania Organizer: SURE South-East Europe Chapter, Faculty of Geography (University of Bucharest) and Centre for Environmental Research and Impact Studies The manifestation was aiming to promote[...]

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SURE Summer School 13 to 20 July 2018 in Hildesheim (Germany)

Urban Ecosystem Services and Management – European Approach Venue: Hildesheim, Germany – University of Hildesheim Organizers: University Hildesheim (Prof. Dr. Martin Sauerwein, Department of Geography) together with Society for Urban Ecology (SURE – Chapter South-East Europe: Prof. Dr. Andrzej Mizgajski[...]

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Symposium of SURE South Asia Chapter 13- 16 December 2018 in Kandy, Sri Lanka

Sustainable cities by biodiversity and ecosystem services As session of the 9th International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment 2018 (ICSBE 2018) Venue: Earl’s Regency Hotel in Kandy, Sri Lanka Organizer: SURE South Asia chapter Organizing Committee: Dr. Lalitha Dissanayake – University of[...]

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Symposium of University of Tabriz, 10 – 11 June 2019 in Iran

Urban Green and Climate Change – Challenges for Design and Management Venue and Organizer: Department of Landscape Engineering, Agricultural Faculty, Tabriz University, Iran Cooperation with: Society for Urban Ecology (SURE), University Salzburg, Austria Symposium organized under the Erasmus+ projects[...]

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SUNRAISE – 7th SURE Summer School 7-14 July 2019 Salzburg, Austria

URBAN + MOUNTAINS – Sustainable Natural Resource Use in Arctic and High Mountainous Areas Venue: Salzburg, Austria – Paris Lodron University, Nature Science Faculty Building, Hellbrunnerstr. 34 Organizer: Univ.-Prof. DDr. Jürgen Breuste, Chair Urban and Landscape Ecology, Dept. Geography and[...]

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10th Anniversary Workshop of Society for Urban Ecology in Bucharest was successful!

The Challenging Urban Nature and Nature’S Role in URban ChallEnges Venue: University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geography, Bucharest, Romania Organizer: Centre for Environmental Research and Impact Studies, Faculty of Geography – University of Bucharest and Society for Urban Ecology –[...]

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SURE Executive Committee Meeting 2020

On October 26th 2020, the SURE Executive Committee (EC) met virtually to discuss in particular next SURE events. For 2021 several SURE summer schools are planned: –SURE Summer School Shanghai, organized by Junxiang Li together with Amy Haze (University Melbourne) and[...]

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The 3rd SURE World Conference was a Great Success

Between 7 and 9 July 2021, the 3rd SURE World Conference under the topic “Cities as Socio-Ecological Systems” took place in Poznan, Poland. Organized as a hybrid event due to the current pandemic restrictions, over 300 participants online and onsite from 36 countries[...]

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IOER-Forum and SURE EC meeting: “Urban transformation – SURE meets SURE-institutional members”

Under the organisation of Dr. Martina Artmann (SURE-Secretary General), the SURE Executive Committee visited between 17th – 18th May 2022 the SURE institutional member Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IOER) in Dresden, Germany. Under the IOER´s research focus on sustainable spatial[...]

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